How to Success

Wednesday, 25 August 2010
by: Scott F Paradis

What happened to the energy and enthusiasm of your youth? You expected to take on every challenge, surmount every obstacle, experience and accomplish great and wonderous things. What went wrong? How is your bucket list coming? Are you where you intended to be?

"Success" and "Happiness" - represented through a myriad of words and realized by nearly innumerable means - are the two markers, or dare I say measures, of the each soul's life quest. People are born, they take, they give, they live, they die - why? To ultimately bring joy to the endeavor or to achieve some purpose, some task, some end. The difference between those that achieve in life and those that do not leads one to consider: Do we know how to succeed? Can we succeed?

As of late we've seen phenomenon such as Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret" transfix the collective consciousness. Millions rush to embrace the opportunity to find the Holy Grail, employ the Silver Bullet, rub the Golden Lamp. The promise of unparalleled, truly cosmic power proves to be the allure of searchers, as moths to flame. But the light and heat found in this journey of discovery are far less threatening than any flame. The magic formula of "The Secret" is simply: ask, believe, and receive. What could be easier? Has that simple success formula worked for you so far? What about for the world?

Now, you may sense some skepticism in this line of questioning, but please don't be hoodwinked by that thought. I contend "The Secret" formula is authentic, accurate and a viable means to apply to accomplish or experience virtually any and everything in this life. However, for most of us, we have to understand that life just may have other plans.

It is true - nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come. But realize that for any picture to be complete not everyone can be subject - some must be background; not everyone can be quarterback - some must play the line; not everyone can be the star - some must serve as supporting cast. The unfolding of the universal drama, the grand symphony, the great epic requires all sorts of bit players. The best each of us, and all of us, can hope for is that each individual completes their task, fulfills their purpose. All you can do - is your part. You must accept and trust that in the big scheme of things all will be well - and it shall be.

All achievement begins with an idea. Idea is the energy of a dimension beyond this physical reality. Ideas are offered freely and openly to those prepared to receive. To advance an idea you must have the insight to realize the value of the idea and the capacity to act on it.

"The Secret" says: believe and receive; but to realize the potential of the idea it must be in keeping with your purpose. Capacity is what separates the wheat from the chaff in achievement and success. You must possess the skills, talents and abilities to move the idea forward and the discipline to see the task through. Both of these attributes accompany your purpose. Capacity is where life purpose or need sometimes diverge from desire, want or intent. Though you can manifest remarkable things in this life and you are the master of your fate, the captain of your destiny, life brings you opportunities on scale with a purpose you defined well before you ever arrived here.

To succeed in anything, to make your first million: ask, receive and believe, but realize what manifests will be in support of your purpose. While you may not be meant to be president, or to write a best-selling book, or to break a world record in downhill skiing - you are here for a purpose. Look to your strengths, your aptitudes, your abilities - for where these lie you will find your purpose. Add some discipline and perseverance and success is guaranteed. You can have a full and fulfilling life, all you must do, is choose to.

Copyright (c) 2010 Scott F Paradis

About The Author
Scott F. Paradis, author of "Promise and Potential: A Life of Wisdom, Courage, Strength and Will" publishes "Insights" and a free weekly ezine, "Money, Power and the True Path to Prosperity". Subscribe now at The author invites you to visit:


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